American Portuguese Studies Association. Providence, RI. 2024. “Playing with the Future: Koharu’s choices in O amante e sempre o ultimo a saber.”
Lit City Library Con. New Bedford, MA. 2024. “The Life and Death of Yuri!!! On Ice.”
Northeast Modern Language Association Conference. Boston, MA. 2024. “Lord, I am a Lyctor, and I have made soup.”
Modern Language Association Conference. Philadelphia, PA. 2024. “Your destiny will be great and cursed: Futurality in Angola Janga.”
Modern Language Association Conference. Philadelphia, PA. 2024.”As Lendas de Dandara: An Afro-Brazilian Tragic Hero for Teens.”
American Literary Translators Association Conference. Tucson, AZ. 2023. “Two Archipelagos: Translating Rui Zink.”
American Portuguese Studies Association 2020 Conference. Digital Conference. 2020. Graduate student roundtable.
DISQUIET International Literary Program. Lisbon, Portugal. 2019. “Excerpts from The Tide.”
Luso-Diasporic Cultures in North America: A Cross-Border Conversation. Toronto, Ontario. 2019. “Storage Unit for Saints: Eight days in the Azores”
Anime Boston. Boston, Massachusetts. 2018. “Beyond the Ice: The lasting impact of Sayo Yamamoto”
Northeast Modern Language Association Conference. Baltimore, Maryland. 2017. “Kale Soup and the Portuguese-American Soul”
The University of Tampa Guest Lecture. Tampa, Florida. 2015. “The Politics of Worldbuilding in Science Fiction.”
Nyack College Symposium. Nyack, New York, 2012.
“Santos, Gilda, Luci Ruas, and Teresa Cristina Cerdeira, editors. Sena & Sophia: Centenários. Bazar do Tempo, 2020.” Book Review in Journal of Lusophone Studies Vol. 6 No. 2, 2021
“An Infernal Eden: Postmodern Apocalyptic Tone in Deus-Dará” Challenging Memories, Renewing Canons, Rebuilding Identities: New Voices from Portugal, Brazil and Lusophone Africa. Routledge, 2019
Portuguese Literary and Cultural Studies 32: Lusophone Literatures and Cultures Today. 2019. Co-editor of volume.
“An Interview with Katherine Vaz” Interview in PLCS 32, 2019
“Kale Soup and the Portuguese-American Soul" Book Review in PLCS 32, 2019
Academic Pursuits
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